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You’ve been diagnosed with Dementia

Although it’s normal to go through a range or feelings and emotions post diagnosis. It is also important to make sure you are aware that for some seeking advice and assistance from a professional is required.

It can be a very emotional and often very challenging time which is normal and expected. Feelings of loss and sadness is a very common response and is very normal and understandable.

It can finally answer the questions you’ve been having about the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.

It can lead to anxiety and even depression for some.

Family and loved ones may also experience many of the same feelings and emotions.

Coping with the diagnosis

Having a set of coping strategies you can apply post diagnoses, will help both you and your loved ones reduce the emotional impact, and help to accept the diagnoses. It will also help you to commence working through what can be done next.

Some coping strategies
  1. Talk to others and socialise. Join dementia groups and chats to talk about what you’re feeling and listen to other experiences. Talk to family and friends, it can help to let them know how you’re feeling.

  2. Seek professional assistance and counselling

  3. Emotional coping. Working through emotions in ways that help you release

  4. Strategic coping. Planning ahead on things you can do right now and in the immediate future

As a carer
  1. Join peer groups and socialise. Allot can be learned from talking to other carers and support groups

  2. Enjoy time with you the person you’re caring for. Dementia is a degenerative disease. Taking time to listen and enjoy the time is important.

  3. Keep informed on research and other important discoveries being made. It helps to know that dementia is a global challenge which is being tackled by many. New scientific discoveries are being made every year.

  4. Take time for yourself. Caring for someone can be challenging and stressful. Remember to take time to relax and recharge.

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