Eating and Dementia

Dementia and aging in general can change what and the way we eat. Firstly, It's important to discuss any eating issues you have or those you’re caring for with your GP. They can then determine the underlying cause and provide strategies to improve.

Eating changes and behavior 

  • Reduced appetite
  • Reduced taste in foods
  • Feelings of being full or being hungry may change
  • Medications can impact appetite
  • Forgetting to eat at usual times
  • Psychological factors such as anxiety and depression can impact appetite
  • Underlying dental or other un diagnosed physiological issues may be impacting appetite
  • Reduced mobility can reduce appetite

     Strategies to improve eating 

    1. Increasing mobility and exercise can assist
    2. Set reminders about eating times
    3. Working with your GP about supplementation options
    4. Making sure any dental issues are resolved and dentures are secure
    5. Ensure a calm and relaxed eating environment is provided

       Eating difficulties (for carers) 

      • If eating with traditional cutlery is hard provide other means or hands (where appropriate)
      • Don’t rush the eating process
      • If swallowing is difficult look at providing simpler to eat foods
      • Provide food they recognise and know
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